Sunday, April 10, 2011

It is coming along...

It all started with my 25th birthday...I decided that I needed to have a goal for the year. What a better thing to do than become a photographer. I know it is a crazy goal, but I had supporters and encouragers the whole year! 

First things first, I had to save money to buy a new camera! I did lots of research and talked with many people before deciding on a Canon 50D. So, it took me awhile to save for the camera and a lens but I did it! After 6 months of saving, there was only 6 months left to meet my goal, yikes! 
Second step...finding some subjects! I started off with senior pictures for two girls from back home. They were patient with me as I tried different settings and spent many hours together. It was so enjoyable and I could hardly wait to get the photos uploaded onto my computer. Since then I have starting taking family, kids, and engagement photos. (starting to get a little quicker on setting my camera ;)


Thirds step, not sure what this is yet. I have been getting more jobs with people that are willing to trust me and allowing me the opportunity to build up my portfolio. It has been wonderful to be able to say that I am "photographer" within the last year and a half of my life while meeting my goal. Sure, I can say that I am "photographer" but I do not know exactly what being a "photographer" means yet, but I will never get tired of the joy that I get from capturing the moments of life! 


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